Rainmaker Managed I.T.

System Monitoring

Ink levels are running low; your staff may not have noticed, but we did.

Rainmaker's System Monitoring generates real-time, centralised reporting on critical hardware and applications, safeguarding against costly and annoying downtime.

The moment we detect anything amiss, email alerts are fired off to Rainmaker's team of techs for immediate action.

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Product Information

System Monitoring

Rainmaker's System Monitoring works by installing monitoring sensors which collect information on key infrastructure components such as disk usage, CPU load, RAM availability and ink levels. Data collected by the sensors is then forwarded back to the Rainmaker core for analysis, automated alerts and real-time executive reporting.

We encourage businesses to monitor system-critical appliances and applications that require a high degree of uptime and reliability. This can range from your file server, high-capacity desktop computers, routers, printers or any other device you deem appropriate.

By monitoring key components, you can deal with issues before they become expensive problems.  Plus, if an issue is dealt with when it’s first noticed, you can avoid costly downtime and lost productivity.

Diagnose Problems, Before They Become Issues

By monitoring and reporting on a range of system-critical components, Rainmaker can provide real-time information about potential problems. This stops things getting out of control and turning into expensive problems.

Proactive Approach

Rainmaker is fully committed to proactive workplace management. A simple example: Rainmaker can setup automated email requests to your office supply company to order ink refills when levels start running low.

High Water Marks

Pre-determined "high water mark" thresholds are configured on each component, which feeds back into the reporting server.

When a high water mark is reached, an automated alert notice is immediately dispatched to Rainmaker staff. This safeguard against downtime by resolving problems when they become known, not after it's too late.